#Tendances produits
Refractory Sheet Type RSLE-57 is a High Strength Reinforced Silica Matrix Composite
ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc., Florida, NY is proud to announce the introduction of Refractory Sheet Type RSLE-57.
ZIRCAR Refractory Sheet type RSLE-57 is a low thermal expansion, high strength reinforced silica matrix composite. Designed for use as a high strength insulator in induction hot press applications, it is ideal for any application which requires a material with superior hot strength at temperatures as high as 1200°C (2192°F). Beyond 1200°C (2192°F) it begins to transforms into a crystalline structure. RSLE-57 maintaining its properties up to 1650°C (3002°F) providing that there is no significant fall in temperature. At These elevated temperatures this the material will exhibit surface glazing while retaining its strength.
RSLE-57’s very low thermal expansion coefficient and high density combine to give it thermal shock resistance not found in other structural ceramic composite materials. These properties give it much greater life in most hot pressing and induction heating applications.
RSLE-57 exhibits exceptional non-wetting properties when used in contact with molten aluminum, zinc, lead, tin and other non-ferrous metals, making it useful in numerous casting, conveying, containing and forming applications. RSLE-57 is the ideal material for use as Dams, Spouts, Floats, Launders, Head Boxes, Baffles, Headers, Tips, Rings, Distribution Boxes, Stoppers, Basins, Snouts, Transition & Orifice Plates and Hot Top & Ingot Mold Liners. RSLE-57 is 100% organic free and contains no refractory ceramic fibers (RCF’s).
You can check out our web site (www.zrci.com) for more information on this material as well as many other products we offer.