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#Actualités du secteur

Do you need a powerful and sturdy air motor that ensures constant performance over time?

Check the new case study and discover all the features of the specific solution

Air motor function: handling of large paper reels in the paper processing industry.

Customer needs:

The customer who relied on Fiam is a leader in the production of machinery for the paper processing industry. Its main need is to minimize the risk of fire considering the high degree of paper flammability. A fundamental and indispensable requirement to avoid this type of risk is to eliminate electricity as a power source.

Opting for a pneumatic power supply of the motor is therefore the safest and most convenient choice for handling the reel that wraps the paper rolls. Furthermore, the air motor is able to carry out particularly heavy-duty works that bring the motor close to stall torque without overheating even if exposed to constant load increases.

For the latter reason and for the pneumatic power supply, the motor is particularly appreciated in this sector because it guarantees a high degree of safety.

All air motor advantages

• The air motor is extremely sturdy

• It works even in the most severe conditions and adjusts itself according to the load applied to the shaft

• Supports starts, abrupt stops and continuous load increases up to the stall, without damage and overheating.

These are some of the main features of air motor which, equipped with integrated reduction units, has a versatility of use and a degree of safety that is widely used in various applications, as well as in the handling of winding reels.

Why choose Fiam as a partner? Because, among the many advantages, there is also a possibility of having customized solutions even for small series.

À propos

  • Viale Francesco Crispi, 123, 36100 Vicenza VI, Italy
  • Fiam spa